Sticking to a workout routine & diet plan is hard, no matter what diet or program you follow. The Luxe Bestie Challenge was created for you and a fitness partner to go on a health journey together. Over the course of six weeks, we provided the tools to get there and our entrants smashed the results!
Although our 6 Week Bestie Challenge is over, our Bestie Bundle is still available to purchase! Click here to shop
1st Place Winners: Sarah R & Katrina M
1. What made you want to try a healthier lifestyle?
S - I had always been slim but after 2 children and some health issues I had gained over 20kgs. It was having a negative impact on my mental health and relationships no only my relationship with myself but with others as well. I have spent 10+ years working in the health and fitness industry and knew that I needed to make a change and not lose weight but live a healthier lifestyle as a family.
K - After losing my nana unexpectedly in 2015, I lost control of my weight. Then one by one, each of my children were diagnosed with autism. I lost my identity, I became a hermit and my life revolved around everyone else. I existed to drive from therapy to therapy to assessments for my beautiful children. I became depressed, and piled on weight. Then last year, when my eldest started school, I pulled myself out of the hole I'd spiralled into. I said enough, and MADE the time to improve my mental and physical health. Not only for myself but for my children. I finally started to make sure my needs were as important as everyone else's, and started to love myself again. I lost 25+ kg, regained confidence, and made some amazing friends along the way. My mental health is so much better as is my physical health. I'm continuing to get healthier and stronger and am so proud of where I've gotten myself.I was well aware of how out of control my health had gotten after I stopped caring about myself. I knew I needed to lose weight and become healthier for myself and my children. I wanted to look better and feel better.
2. What key changes/support helped you achieve your goals?
S -As I am still recovering from a difficult pregnancy I was restricted with what exercises I could do. Food plays a huge role in weight loss and I made sure I focused on that. I started 16:8 intermittent fasting and had luxe fitness protein with lunch every day.
K - Intermittent fasting and being in the right frame of mind. I had a supportive husband and family ensuring I could make it to the gym each day.
3. What’s been your key struggle?
S - With 2 small children in the house and a husband addicted to chocolate the temptation of bad food was all around me. I ended up splitting the pantry so I have my own cupboard and am not tempted by their naughty treats. Not being able to exercise like I used to previously has been difficult as well finding the time around my kids.
K - My biggest struggle was my food addiction. Breaking that by adopting intermittent fasting definitely helped me get my eating under control.
4. What Luxe products helped you achieve your results?
S - I have been taking fat burner pills every morning, protein powder at lunch and detox tea before bed.
K - After I lost all my weight, i found myself wanting to gain muscle and definition. I never thought I'd see myself wanting to grow my body after trying to shrink it for so long! I used a combination of BCAA and Luxe Protein to help burn fat and build lean muscle in conjunction with my workouts.
5. Your tip for other people looking to adapt to a healthier lifestyle:
S - It’s not 1 size fits all you need to find what works for you and make changes you are happy with to live a healthier life you love ❤️
K - Make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Be ready. When you're in the right frame of mind, everything else will fall into place.
2nd Place Winner: Zoe M
Weight Lost = 7kg
1. What made you want to try a healthier lifestyle?My body size plays a huge part in my mental state of mind, I tore everything in my ankle playing netball and have been out of action for a long time. I knew if I didn't change anything, not being able to excersize was going to make me put on even more weight and I would become very unhappy in my life, and with my 2 kids, I knew I needed to change something.
2. What key changes/support helped you achieve your goals?
Not being able to exercise, I knew I needed to throw myself into the Protein shakes and diet 110%. The thought of putting on even more weight scared the shit out of me.
3. What’s been your key struggle?
I am a big snacker and have no self-control. Once I put on weight having babies 5 years ago (almost 20kg) I had never been able to lose all the weight.
4. What Luxe products helped you achieve your results?
I took the Fat Burner Plus every morning religiously and either had a Fat Burning Protein shake at lunch or dinner. I have the salted caramel flavour and it was great!
5. Your tip for other people looking to adapt to a healthier lifestyle:
I have tried to diet many times before, my main tip would be you 100% need to be ready and serious about losing weight. I needed to be committed and serious about it and I had it in my mind I needed to lose weight or with my injury was just going to make myself upset and bigger again and harder to lose weight. I also had a friend that was losing weight at the same time and on the same page so kept the motivation up.
3rd Place Winner: Jess H
Weight Lost = 1kg
1. What made you want to try a healthier lifestyle?I have always had a love for health and fitness but noticed I had gone in this downward spiral. I was unhappy with myself, the way I felt and the way I looked. To me it is more important than just looking good, you need to mentally feel good too. So I knew I needed change.
2. What key changes/support helped you achieve your goals?
Since having my son (16 months ago) I knew I needed to make sure I was also healthy for him! So I started to implement more exercise into my life along with trying to change some of my eating habits. The exercise is the easy part for me, it’s the food that I struggle with, but once I had made some changes and stuck with it, it became easier. I had seen the luxe bestie challenge and I knew this was the next step I needed to take.
I took the Fat Burner Plus every morning religiously and either had a Fat Burning Protein shake at lunch or dinner. I have the salted caramel flavour and it was great!
4. Your tip for other people looking to adapt to a healthier lifestyle:
There is no quick fix in wanting to achieve results, it takes determination and consistency but I believe you do not have to restrict yourself of absolutely everything, just live a balanced life. Incorporating these supplements into your lifestyle will help achieve your goals if you put the effort in to help yourself!